I've had a bunch of orders. You can head over to Sole Mate Toys to see some of my recent orders.
There is also a long story involving a new addition... The kids found a dog, so far we can't find the owner so she is here at least for now. We are calling her Pepper.
this is the day they found her

After grooming

I've become the mother of a teenager since my last post. Wish me luck.
I ordered some business stuff from vistaprint and I LOVE IT!

And last but not least... my husband has been home since March 16 with no end in sight. This layoff might be the death of me. ;)
I LOVE Pepper and his new do! I loved him before his cut!
That stuff is amazing from Vista Prints. I hear so many horror stories about them. Did u have issues at all? Great promo stuff.
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